Panel: The Value of Verification
Abstract: The debate over verification continues unabated over how critical a role it plays in the overall design process. In some circles, it is viewed as essential and valuable. Even so, there are questions over which verification tools are necessary and what tools work. Project teams need to determine whether to spend more time on verification, or less time. As a result, they must evaluate the relative contribution to a design’s success made by design engineers versus verification engineers. Some design stalwarts wonder if an entire team to correct the mistakes of the designer isn’t overkill. Still others wonder just how interesting or creative the role or verification engineer really is.
Should the role of verification engineer be a career goal? When a project team ramps up, who’s hired first, designers or verification engineers? The panel will take a hard look at the true value of verification and offer some candid answers.
I was the token ”design engineer” on the panel. One of these days I’ll write down my thoughts about architecture, design, and verification.