Author: sgolson

  • Missile Commander

    For his excellent book Missile Commander, Tony Temple interviewed Steve about the early days of GCC and the history of Super Missile Attack.

  • High Score

    Steve talks about General Computer and the Ms. Pac-Man story in Episode 1 of the Netflix original series High Score.

  • 2020 Synopsys Users Group Conference (SNUG Silicon Valley 2020)

    Team Geriatric Guys with Gates Participates in the VDF Design Competition: It’s All About Speed and Power by Kurt Baty and Steve Golson Abstract: VDF Alliance has created a design competition to find the fastest verifiable delay function (VDF) implementation. Kurt and Steve have entered as a team! We start with a brief introduction to…

  • 2019

    A long exposure under dark skies reveals the delicate beauty of our Milky Way galaxy. The tiny smudge at top right is our neighbor the Andromeda Galaxy, a spiral galaxy containing about one trillion stars. This is the furthest object visible with the naked eye—light takes about 2.5 million years to travel from the stars…

  • RetroWorld Expo 2019

    Ms. Pac-Man, Food Fight, Quantum, and the Rest: Arcade Game Design at GCC with Steve Golson Fun recollections from the game development days at General Computer. Here are my slides. Many thanks to my good friends at ACAM for inviting me to present this talk.

  • Game on — MIT Technology Review

    Game on How MIT students outfoxed Atari and made one of the world’s best-selling arcade games By Christina Couch

  • 2018

    A double rainbow arches over cloud-hidden Snæfellsjökull in Iceland. This glacier rests atop the extinct stratovolcano Snæfell and is perhaps best known from the Jules Verne novel Journey to the Center of the Earth in which the characters descend through the ice cap and deep into the earth. Snæfell’s last known eruption occurred about 1800…

  • NH High Tech Council’s Entrepreneur of the Year Awards 2018

    Video Games Then and Now: An Entrepreneuring Journey by Steve Golson I was honored to be keynote speaker at the New Hampshire High Tech Council 2018 Entrepreneur of the Year Awards. Matt Albuquerque was the well-deserved winner this year. And a special Lifetime Achievement award was given to the great Ralph Baer. It was a wonderful…

  • 2017

    A solar eclipse occurs when the moon casts its shadow upon the earth. During totality the sun’s corona becomes visible as a white halo around the black disk of the moon. The human eye observes delicate coronal features and enormous variations in brightness which a single photograph cannot possibly capture. Pink prominences are visible; these…

  • The MIT Dropouts Who Created Ms. Pac-Man: A 35th-Anniversary Oral History — Fast Company

    The MIT Dropouts Who Created Ms. Pac-Man: A 35th-Anniversary Oral History The amazing, little-known backstory of the most popular arcade game in U.S. history. By Benj Edwards