Author: sgolson

  • 2008 Design Automation Conference (DAC 2008)

    Flow Engineering for Physical Implementation: Theory and Practice by Steve Golson and Pete Churchill Abstract: EDA tools are never used in isolation. Rather, multiple tools are combined into a sequence called a flow. Furthermore an elaborate infrastructure is required to support and enable flow execution. This flow infrastructure includes directory organization, configuration management, compute servers,…

  • 2007

    The four largest moons of Jupiter were discovered by Galileo in early 1610 when he first turned his telescope toward the heavens. They are called the Galilean moons in his honor. In a single evening you can observe them move in their orbits around Jupiter; visual proof that Copernicus was correct and our earth is not the…

  • 2006

    In March 1610 Galileo published his book Sidereus Nuncius [The Starry Messenger] containing the first astronomical observations ever made with a telescope. Among other wonders in this masterwork are the first drawings and descriptions of mountains on the moon: …very many bright points [that] appear within the dark part of the Moon, entirely separated and removed from…

  • 2005

    Crescent Rock, Crescent Moon Taken July 11, 2005, at Bear Creek Falls, Telluride, Colorado Panasonic DMC-FZ10, Leica zoom at 23.5mm, f/4, 1/250 sec

  • 2004

    An annular eclipse occurs when the moon comes between the earth and the sun, however the moon appears smaller than the sun and thus never completely blocks it. At maximum coverage observers on the eclipse track will see a ring of sunlight around the moon. The name comes from the Latin word annulus meaning ‘ring.’ The final…

  • 2004 Synopsys Users Group Conference (SNUG San Jose 2004)

    The Human ECO Compiler by Steve Golson Abstract: Engineering Change Orders or ECOs are all too prevalent in ASIC design. Unfortunately there are few tools that directly support these “last minute” changes to a design. So it’s left to us humans to figure out a solution. This paper will cover the ad hoc solutions that have been developed for…

  • 2003

    Clark’s Barn Lit by the Full Moon Taken January 18, 2003, Carlisle, Massachusetts Nikon F3, 28mm, f/2.8, 60 sec on Kodachrome 64

  • 2003 Synopsys Users Group Conference (SNUG Boston 2003)

    Asynchronous & Synchronous Reset Design Techniques – Part Deux by Clifford E. Cummings, Don Mills, and Steve Golson Abstract: This paper will investigate the pros and cons of synchronous and asynchronous resets. It will then look at usage of each type of reset followed by recommendations for proper usage of each type. I recommend you use synchronous…

  • 2002

    The word galaxy comes from the ancient Greek galaxias kuklos meaning ‘milky band’. Our own galaxy consists of several hundred billion stars in the shape of a spiral-armed disk some 100,000 light-years across. Far from city lights we can see this disk edge-on: thousands of stars sweeping across the dark summer sky. Milky Way in Cygnus Taken August 23,…

  • 2002 Synopsys Users Group Conference (SNUG San Jose 2002)

    The Future of ASIC Design(ers) by Steve Golson This year I was honored to be invited as Guest Speaker, and these are the slides from the presentation I gave. It’s a bit harder to follow when you don’t have me talking to each slide, but perhaps you can still get some of the jokes 🙂…