Author: sgolson
For northern hemisphere observers the winter sky brings an abundance of beautiful celestial objects. At lower left is the prominent constellation Orion the Hunter with his belt of three stars. At center is Taurus the Bull featuring its bright star Aldebaran and the spectacular Pleiades open cluster. Along with our usual winter friends, can you…
Portland Retro Gaming Expo 2016
The Atari 7800 ProSystem with Steve Golson I got to talk again about the amazing 7800. Here are my slides (sorry, no embedded video). Thanks to Hans Reutter, you can watch this presentation here.
ReplayFX 2016
ACAM Presents: Steve Golson, The 7800 ProSystem Here’s the description from the ReplayFX website: The Atari 7800 ProSystem console was not designed by Atari. The people of General Computer Corporation (GCC) of Massachusetts created this console for Atari with an intended release in 1984, but it did not officially hit the market until 1986. Steve…
Steve Golson Interview: The Story of Ms. Pac-Man, the Atari 7800, and the HyperDrive — USGamer
Steve Golson Interview: The Story of Ms. Pac-Man, the Atari 7800, and the HyperDrive By Jaz Rignall A fun interview, however I regret that my only mention of Steve Jobs comes across as rather disparaging. Don’t take this one incident as an indication of my opinion on Steve Jobs – he was an amazing visionary…
2016 Synopsys Users Group Conference (SNUG Silicon Valley 2016)
Language Wars in the 21st Century: Verilog versus VHDL – Revisited by Steve Golson and Leah Clark Abstract: Back in the late 20th century, the VHDL versus Verilog debate was compared to a religious war that neither side could win. At various times, knowledgeable industry leaders have predicted that each HDL would prevail, but it…
Game Developers Conference GDC 2016
Classic Game Postmortem: ‘Ms. Pac-Man’ by Steve Golson Here’s the description from the GDC website. It’s mostly accurate, but a bit more flowery than I might write: Steve Golson, the experienced designer and engineer best known in the game industry for designing arcade game enhancement kits at General Computer of Cambridge, will be delivering a…
Celebrating thirty years of solstice cards! A conjunction occurs when two or more celestial objects appear close together in the sky. Here three planets are visible: bright Venus, with faint Mars just to her left, and Jupiter above and to the right. The obelisk on the east bank was erected in 1836 to commemorate the Battle…
ReplayFX 2015
ACAM Presents Steve Golson: From Crazy Otto to Ms. Pac-Man Here’s the description from the ReplayFX website: Steve Golson, one of the original developers of Ms. Pac-Man at General Computer Corporation (GCC), will recount little-known stories about the creation of this iconic 1982 game. How and why did it transform from Crazy Otto to Ms.…
California Extreme 2015
Crazy Otto: Then and Now by Brendon “Jr. Pac” Parker with Steve Golson A description of this talk from the California Extreme website: Fourteen year-old Brendon “Jr. Pac” will give details on what inspired him to begin collecting arcade games at the young age of eleven. After years of skepticism from adult collectors, and lots…
What we call moonlight is really just sunlight reflected from the surface of the moon. It is white light; it has the same color balance as sunlight. Our eyes are poorly suited to detecting colors at low light levels, but a long exposure photograph using moonlight reveals the true colors of autumn leaves. Taken October…